Friday 16 October 2015

if I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes

I am reminded of Diogenes, one of the most beautiful men who has walked on this earth. He lived naked – he had a beautiful body. And those were the days when people were sold in the markets as slaves.

So a few merchants who used to deal in selling slaves saw Diogenes lying down by the side of the river. They were overjoyed; this man would fetch a good price. They had sold many slaves, but never such a healthy and such a proportionate body and such a beautiful man. But the problem was how to catch him. They were only four, and he was more than enough for four; he would kill all of them. But something had to be done.

They were hiding behind a bush and thinking of a plan – perhaps when he was asleep then they could manage it.

Diogenes was listening. He said, ”Don’t be stupid. What do you want? Just tell me. I am not a man to be enslaved, but you look so miserable that I am ready to go with you.”

They could not believe it!

Diogenes stood up and said, ”Where do we go? You follow me!”

They went to the market. It was a strange scene. He looked like a master, and they looked like slaves following him. And the whole marketplace suddenly turned towards Diogenes. It was a breathtaking scene. They had never seen such a slave – ”He should be an emperor!”

He stood on the platform where each slave had to stand before he was auctioned. Standing on the platform he looked at the crowd and declared, ”A master is ready to be sold. If any slave amongst you wants to purchase a master, he should come forward.”

There was great silence. Even in such a situation Diogenes was not sad, he was not miserable; on the contrary he was enjoying the whole scene!

One king came up and asked the price. Diogenes said, ”I am a priceless being, but you can give whatever you want to give to these poor fellows, these four persons. They have brought me here out of compassion, so you can give them as much as you like.”

The king gave them the money, took Diogenes in his chariot, and rode towards his palace. He was immensely impressed by the man, his strength. He talked on the way, and when they reached the palace he said to Diogenes, ”You are not meant to be a slave, you are a master. I free you.”

We create our life inch by inch, and whatever happens to us, nobody else is responsible for it. So the only revolution that I teach is an individual revolution.

Another account goes on to say that ‪#‎Diogenes‬ asked ‪#‎Alexander‬, "What will you do after you conquer the entire world?", to which Alexander responded, "relax and enjoy". Diogenes then turned to his dog and and said: "Look at this fool, he has to conquer the entire world to be able to do what we are already doing right now".

It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, and admired so much the grandeur and fearless demeanor of this ordinary maan who had nothing but scorn for him, that he said to his followers, who were laughing and jesting about the philosopher as they went away, "But truly, if I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes."

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